• Brush/ Comb - FURMINATOR. This is the best one I have found, and has been worth every penny. It will help with the dog hair both on your dog and in your house.
  • Flea & Tick prevention - Having fleas and ticks SUCK. The last thing you want to be doing with your dog is flea bombing your house. There are topical ones and edible ones. Consult with your vet before committing to a whole year supply so you don't waste your money.
dog health and hygiene
  • Dental Products - Just make sure whatever you get is safe for the dog's health. There are also edible dental chews like this or chew toys like this. Chew toys can also be used to train dogs away from chewing on our favorite furniture.
    • Don't forget to supervise your dog with the new chews to make sure they are not chipping off. The chew toys also should be discarded when they are small enough for the dog to TRY TO swallow.
    • Nail Clippers/ Grinder - I do not like the guillotine looking nail clippers. They were twisting and turning Echo's nails. The regular scissor looking ones worked fine. Now, we use a grinder because they prevent the nails from being super sharp and stabby right after the clipping. We still use the clippers from time to time, but also use the grinder afterwards to make the nails less stabby.
      • This Dremel is the one we use (the most well-known one for pets), and it is IMPORTANT to introduce this to the doggo properly with rewards, as with basically anything the dog might not like. More on this later with the basic training article coming later. Subscribe to our email list to be notified when the new dog training article is posted! (at the bottom of the website)
      • Shampoo/ conditioner - for those muddy, sandy, and salty days.
      • Wipes - These come in handy when a full-blown shower isn't necessary. They don't have to be fancy. Just make sure it doesn't contain harmful chemicals for your dog's health.
      • Check out "WHAT TO GET WHEN GETTING A NEW DOG" for the full list of important articles for your new dog's health and happiness!


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